Sep 27Liked by John Kiriakou

You are both gonna find your way through this, John & Michelle. Your next move can bring you an exponentially larger audience, & magnify the impact of your show.

I'll be following.

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Thank you, Steve. From your lips to God's ears.

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Boycott Youtube and Google.. don't patronize the enemy.. they have been waging war on truth for over a decade which we knew from Julian Assange's book When Google Met WikiLeaks. As the old movie War Games concluded the only way to win is not to play..

Move to distributed blockchain search with Presearch and Peertube for videos.. on that note my comments have been gone from entire Rumble platform most of this week so my faith in that is on par with Elon's Twitter that has my 2020 ban still in place because critics of Bill Gates Biotech Mafia is worse than critics of Israel or stolen elections & DC corruption.

Join the resistance in exile and dump corporate platforms in numbers that hit the bottom line. <3

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