I’m a longtime fan, but to call Trumps speech a “rant” is a bit much. Biden went on mumbling and occasionally screeching rants calling trump a facist and a white supremacist and no one had a problem with that. Actions speak louder than words and the way he reaches out to Americans from all walks of life who are not actors, isn’t exactly the hallmark of a fascist. Finally addressing gross corruption and wastefull spending with an emphasis on gov. accountability isn’t the hallmarks of a fascist and repeatedly calling to end war is not the hallmark of a fascist so I feel you should address some of your more far left followers of actual fascists in history.
I can’t find your podcast on you tube or Apple Podcasts
I’m a longtime fan, but to call Trumps speech a “rant” is a bit much. Biden went on mumbling and occasionally screeching rants calling trump a facist and a white supremacist and no one had a problem with that. Actions speak louder than words and the way he reaches out to Americans from all walks of life who are not actors, isn’t exactly the hallmark of a fascist. Finally addressing gross corruption and wastefull spending with an emphasis on gov. accountability isn’t the hallmarks of a fascist and repeatedly calling to end war is not the hallmark of a fascist so I feel you should address some of your more far left followers of actual fascists in history.