I can’t find your podcast on you tube or Apple Podcasts

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I’m a longtime fan, but to call Trumps speech a “rant” is a bit much. Biden went on mumbling and occasionally screeching rants calling trump a facist and a white supremacist and no one had a problem with that. Actions speak louder than words and the way he reaches out to Americans from all walks of life who are not actors, isn’t exactly the hallmark of a fascist. Finally addressing gross corruption and wastefull spending with an emphasis on gov. accountability isn’t the hallmarks of a fascist and repeatedly calling to end war is not the hallmark of a fascist so I feel you should address some of your more far left followers of actual fascists in history.

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I watched the episode on Youtube and left a comment replying to the claim that Social Security has never paid out to a dead account. That comment does not appear anymore. Do you know why? I even included the link to 2023 audit that states that the Treasury department has stopped or recovered $31 million in improper payments to dead people.

As I said in my original comment I understand that this is measly millions of dollars when we are trillions in debt, but that any responsible adult understands that when you are trying to save money the nickel and dimes add up. Also you can't always reduce the big expenses overnight. I was frustrated with the episode's dismissive tone that these worthless amounts play well with the voters while the voters supposedly don't understand they are a drop in the bucket. I do understand the scale of our deficit and where most of our yearly money printing goes. I also understand that we would not be talking about even these small amounts, where they go, who is getting paid, and why the are paid if Kamala had won. So this voter is quite happy with the first 6 weeks and looking forward to the Pentagon audits and budget cuts. I'm also looking forward to an audit of social security and serious discussion on if its sustainable and if I will see any payout in 30 years when I retire. Calling it a ponzi scheme might be hyperbolic but the system still relies on new "customers" paying in more than the "old" customers are taking out.

Original link: https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/verify/social-security-benefits-not-going-to-dead-people/275-da1fd06d-38f5-4698-a2b0-8d83b79d783f

Treasury link: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy2784

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